Palmer H.


I grew up in a very loving and “well to do family” in a small town, however, I was never happy.  My mind would always have racing thoughts and I didn’t know how to deal with it or how to bring it up to my family. 

My freshman year of high school I was introduced to alcohol and weed, blacked out, and suddenly everything in my mind went away. I was finally happy… or at least I thought I was. I continued to use throughout high school. I was taking pills and smoking pot on the weekdays and drinking on the weekends.  I finally graduated high school. 

For almost two years I was in and out of several rehabs. Then I finally found Purple, a long-term treatment center unlike any treatment center I had ever been to.

When I first came to Purple, for nearly two months I didn’t want to be here.  The only thing on my mind was my ex-girlfriend and getting loaded.  However, after a short relapse, I truly felt how miserable it was to live a life purely on getting high.  My brothers at Purple accepted me back with open arms.  I found a sponsor, took suggestions, and worked the steps to the best of my ability.  The staff at Purple loves to show clients how to have fun in sobriety by taking us on hiking trips, rock climbing, sports and other activities.

My life as a Purple alumnus continues to be a blessing every day.  I now get to show up and offer guidance to clients who are desperate for purpose in their life.  Being here for struggling men and seeing the desperation in their eyes reminds me of myself when I hit my bottom.  

To be able to have deep and meaningful conversations with the clients at Purple gives me purpose and happiness in life.  I believe that if I give as much as I have taken in life then I am able to find happiness.  God speaks to me everyday through the alumni, the clients, meetings, my fellowship, and my sponsor. I owe God and my fellows my life for such an awesome gift.